Well, many years ago I left Helston School with 7 CSE's. For all the jobs I've had over the years, I've never needed my moderate exams to get a job. I'm a practical person, I can turn my hand to most things. Well I wasn't keen on school at all, and spent most of my time between class clown and likable rogue. I spent lots of time in deepish water and knew the headmaster quite well, and he knew my parents even better!! Well after 25 years I decided to turn my hobby of photography into a career, so i trawled the college courses to find one that was part time and that I felt I could do! First I looked at the A level, which seemed OK, but on all the blurb it said "A fun A Level" that worried me a little as I wanted to be a Pro! Well finally I found an HNC at Cornwall College, one day a week! Perfect......But then the panic set in..An HNC, could I do it? I hadn't written an essay for 25 years! Well I got on the course and did it. To my surprise I didn't find it at all taxing, and I really enjoyed it. My module marks were all high, getting merits and distinctions throughout! I was planning to go on to do the HND then the full degree, but like all things it changed. Plymouth Uni, to whom we were attached decided to scrap the HND and we were all asked if we wanted to be fudged across onto an FDA in fine art, well this wasn't the direction I wanted to go! I wasn't sure where I wanted to go from here, so I phoned Falmouth Uni as they always had an amazing reputation for Photography. I only called to get some info, but it was just the right time as 3 clearing places had come up. So I applied for a place on the BA(Hons)I didn't expect to get an interview as there were lots applying, but I did, and low and behold I was offered a place. Gobsmacked doesn't even come close to how I feel, I am still amazed even now! So maybe one day my dream of teaching will come true...........Watch this space!
That's awesome! Congrats! I simply adore teaching photography :)
Thanks Hope, I'm really looking forward to it, just a pity it took me all these years to realise what I wanted to do!
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