Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
War Of The Worlds
I wasn't expecting anything fantastic, but wow was I proved wrong. Number one the venue was absolutely beautiful, and the production was fantastic! The band the actors, outfits and singing was all brilliant and I loved every minute of it. Below are a few snaps from the night.
Well last night 9 Sept, I went to see a Carnon Downs Drama Group presentation of a Licensed Production - Not The Official Arena Tour of Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of War of the Worlds at Trelissick gardens, By kind permission of the National Trust.
Well last night 9 Sept, I went to see a Carnon Downs Drama Group presentation of a Licensed Production - Not The Official Arena Tour of Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of War of the Worlds at Trelissick gardens, By kind permission of the National Trust.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Who would have thought it!

Well, many years ago I left Helston School with 7 CSE's. For all the jobs I've had over the years, I've never needed my moderate exams to get a job. I'm a practical person, I can turn my hand to most things. Well I wasn't keen on school at all, and spent most of my time between class clown and likable rogue. I spent lots of time in deepish water and knew the headmaster quite well, and he knew my parents even better!! Well after 25 years I decided to turn my hobby of photography into a career, so i trawled the college courses to find one that was part time and that I felt I could do! First I looked at the A level, which seemed OK, but on all the blurb it said "A fun A Level" that worried me a little as I wanted to be a Pro! Well finally I found an HNC at Cornwall College, one day a week! Perfect......But then the panic set in..An HNC, could I do it? I hadn't written an essay for 25 years! Well I got on the course and did it. To my surprise I didn't find it at all taxing, and I really enjoyed it. My module marks were all high, getting merits and distinctions throughout! I was planning to go on to do the HND then the full degree, but like all things it changed. Plymouth Uni, to whom we were attached decided to scrap the HND and we were all asked if we wanted to be fudged across onto an FDA in fine art, well this wasn't the direction I wanted to go! I wasn't sure where I wanted to go from here, so I phoned Falmouth Uni as they always had an amazing reputation for Photography. I only called to get some info, but it was just the right time as 3 clearing places had come up. So I applied for a place on the BA(Hons)I didn't expect to get an interview as there were lots applying, but I did, and low and behold I was offered a place. Gobsmacked doesn't even come close to how I feel, I am still amazed even now! So maybe one day my dream of teaching will come true...........Watch this space!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Trials of a photoshoot
Well today it's 25th August 2010. This morning in traditional Cornish rain, I headed to Cape Cornwall in St Just for a shoot with Fallon 'Electrodoll' an alternative model from Nottingham. Well we met up in the square and headed down the steep walk to the rocky beach. We got to the bottom of the slipway where electrodoll positioned herself as if she had been dumped overboard and washed up onto the beach! She was wrapped in bin liners and as I handed her some gaffatape to put over hr mouth we heard an old voice shouting 'OI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER?' I looked up and there was a boat with two fishermen on. One was fairly old and can only be described as 'An old seadog', and the other who I would assume was his son, was a thick set cabbage eared silent type!
I explained to the two men now jumping from their boat, that it was a photoshoot and I was not actually a murderer!!! What happened then was even odder..... I reset my gear and started to shoot, when the old man said, "Stop touching peoples stuff" I immediately said what stuff....He said I touched a buoy with my foot as I walked over the rocks, he told me with expletives not to touch anything. I returned the fact to him that it was a public beach and if I trip up on his lobster pots, I will be suing him!!! He then walked up the beach got his son to fetch the Land rover, and they proceeded to drive up and down the slipway at high speed nearly hitting a young girl.....What they were doing was very strange they were up and down taking all their pots up and locked them in their shed! Taking the last few he muttered, "That'll stop you photographing my stuff you bastard" with this I mearly suggested that he get himself a life, and leave us alone. I can only assume that his pots were not regulation size or he was keeping undersized lobster and crab!! We moved to another part of the beach away from the grumpy seadogs and continued the shoot! As we continued I could hear him telling a group of ramblers to "F*ck Off up there, this isn't the cliff path you b*stards" with this he was scorned by the coach party, They told him in no uncertain terms that he was a 'rude and vile little man'. Anyway if your a fisheries inspector have a jaunt down to Cape Cornwall beach. We got our shoot done despite the rain, wind and Seadogs. Below is just one of the edits.

I explained to the two men now jumping from their boat, that it was a photoshoot and I was not actually a murderer!!! What happened then was even odder..... I reset my gear and started to shoot, when the old man said, "Stop touching peoples stuff" I immediately said what stuff....He said I touched a buoy with my foot as I walked over the rocks, he told me with expletives not to touch anything. I returned the fact to him that it was a public beach and if I trip up on his lobster pots, I will be suing him!!! He then walked up the beach got his son to fetch the Land rover, and they proceeded to drive up and down the slipway at high speed nearly hitting a young girl.....What they were doing was very strange they were up and down taking all their pots up and locked them in their shed! Taking the last few he muttered, "That'll stop you photographing my stuff you bastard" with this I mearly suggested that he get himself a life, and leave us alone. I can only assume that his pots were not regulation size or he was keeping undersized lobster and crab!! We moved to another part of the beach away from the grumpy seadogs and continued the shoot! As we continued I could hear him telling a group of ramblers to "F*ck Off up there, this isn't the cliff path you b*stards" with this he was scorned by the coach party, They told him in no uncertain terms that he was a 'rude and vile little man'. Anyway if your a fisheries inspector have a jaunt down to Cape Cornwall beach. We got our shoot done despite the rain, wind and Seadogs. Below is just one of the edits.

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
A Bit of History!
As many different traditions of Neopaganism use some variation on the handfasting ceremony, there is no universal ritual form that is followed, and the elements included are generally up to the couple being handfasted. In cases where the couple belong to a specific religious or cultural tradition, there may be a specific form of the ritual used by all or most members of that particular tradition. The couple may conduct the ceremony themselves or may have an officiant perform the ceremony. In some traditions, the couple may jump over a broom at the end of the ceremony. Some may instead leap over a small fire together. Today, some couples opt for a handfasting ceremony in place of, or incorporated into, their public wedding. As summer is the traditional time for handfastings, they are often held outdoors.
As with more conventional marriage ceremonies, couples often exchange rings during a handfasting, symbolizing their commitment to each other.
Many couples choose rings that reflect their spiritual and cultural traditions, while others choose plainer, more conventional wedding rings.
As many different traditions of Neopaganism use some variation on the handfasting ceremony, there is no universal ritual form that is followed, and the elements included are generally up to the couple being handfasted. In cases where the couple belong to a specific religious or cultural tradition, there may be a specific form of the ritual used by all or most members of that particular tradition. The couple may conduct the ceremony themselves or may have an officiant perform the ceremony. In some traditions, the couple may jump over a broom at the end of the ceremony. Some may instead leap over a small fire together. Today, some couples opt for a handfasting ceremony in place of, or incorporated into, their public wedding. As summer is the traditional time for handfastings, they are often held outdoors.
As with more conventional marriage ceremonies, couples often exchange rings during a handfasting, symbolizing their commitment to each other.
Many couples choose rings that reflect their spiritual and cultural traditions, while others choose plainer, more conventional wedding rings.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I want one of these!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
New stuff coming!!!
Well Kalann Studio is about to have a sister company, don't worry kalann will carry on as it is, but the new one will be a creative portrait business, and that's all it will be. Some of the pictures will be of an adult nature. Can't tell you many details yet as it's all a bit hush hush! I have had several meetings with new models and things are looking very exciting, finally i'm doing what I love! My Big Brother Stevyn is doing my new logo as he is now pretty well known as an artist, he has been featured in the last two QI albums and is published in his own right!! If your interested you can follow him on twitter @stevyncolgan and you can follow me @kalannstudio. Will keep you posted as things happen, so you my faithful followers will be the first to know!!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Well it's that time
Well i'm coming to the end of my HNC now, so decisions on what to do next! I am just waiting to do a pettals course to teach photoshop to adults then I think i'll do a BA so I can lecture in photography. In the mean time i'm setting up two new photographic businesses!! Watch this space!