This weekend was one of the saddest, as I had to say goodbye to another one of my friends, his name was Jigsaw and yes he was a horse. What can I say about him. He wasn't smart and challenged every road marking like it was a snake. He never understood the bit, and even when he wore a bitless bridle he still tried to spit the bit out. He jumped puddles just in case of crocodiles! He never ran anywhere, everything Jiggy did was at his pace.

But one thing Jiggy did have was a massive heart, he loved people and would follow us to the ends of the earth. Rebecca did so much work with him when he was young, but still he only understood following!! He was very talkative, we could stand on the lane and make a Winnie sound and he would always call back, before coming to greet you at the gate. he's had children on his bare back while he strolled around eating (which was another of his loves, yep Jiggy loved to eat at every opportunity), and he would move slowly so the child never fell off. He will be missed so much and we all hope he's reunited with his mum in horsey heaven.
Bye bye to our dear friend XXX